Friday, June 24, 2011

Horseback riding at the Deerwood

Finally, proof that I went horseback riding.  This Friday I had the day off so I got to ride from campout back to the Deerwood Ranch.  This ride was beautiful.  We saw a moose on the drive up, but we couldn't find him on the ride down.

The View of the Deerwood Ranch.
Another view at the top, while riding my horse.
Tucker, one of the Wranglers, and some of the guests at the lookout point.

Dan, the Wrangler, and some of the guests.  Dan was riding the coolest horse, Harley.
My trusty Steed and I.  This horse is named Two Bars.

More of the guests.  This part of the ride was overgrown, as you can tell.
The guests and their horses rest at the top of the hill.
Brent, the lead Wrangler tells stories as we rest.

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