Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Vee Bar

Number 1, Work at a dude ranch, check!  At the Vee Bar people pay thousands of dollars per night.  Included is horseback riding, fly fishing, river tubing, hiking, 3 meals a day, and a cozy little cabin.  I love it here.  The people are so nice, so here is my first set of pictures, of hopefully, many more sets to come.  Tomorrow will be my first ride.  Some of the cool things about this place is that you get your own horse for the entire week, you get to ride every day, and its not a typical trail ride.  You can ride to your own experience and style, it's not the typical nose to tail, stay in a single file line type of riding.  I cannot wait.

The Little Laramie River, which everyone keeps telling me will be flooding soon.
My buddy, Kaya, likes to follow me around while doing landscaping.  She is great at picking up sticks and running off with them.  I didn't realize that chasing the dog would be part of my job.  She sure is cute, though, part Lab, part Australian Shepherd.  Kaya is Dan's dog, one of the young wranglers that was hired on for the year.
Riverside suites, these little cabins are actually duplexes located right next to the lodge.
The John Wayne Saloon, where everyone meets up for cocktail hour just before dinner.
After the horses are herded across the river and into the corral the wranglers pick out the horse best suited to each riders style and personality.
A little curiosity
Divinity's backside.  This is Kari's horse. (the boss lady)
A place to practice roping, next to the barn.  By the end of the summer, I will be able to rope this little guy.
At least 40 bridles....
At least 40 saddles....Each rider gets to use the same saddle for the duration of their stay, so each saddle is numbered.  This way they do not have to change the stirrups throughout the week.  I have never seen so many saddles and bridles in one room, not even at Murdoch's.  (The local ranch and home supply store)
A young bucksin that came to greet me at the barn.   I don't know all of their names.....yet....
This is GOLIATH.  Look at the size of those hooves!  Goliath is a part of a two horse team that pulls a hay wagon ride for the guests.  Brent, the manager, plays the guitar on the ride.
Goliath again, scratching his butt.
The Vee Bar Lodge and the front yard.  No, I don't have to mow this.
One of several old wagons in the yard.
The outside of the saloon.  This saloon is decorated by gifts that previous guests have sent to the Vee Bar.  They all have something to do with John Wayne.
Horse shoe wind chimes, homemade and incredibly light.

The back of the lodge where we grill out.
The Little Laramie.....Not so little.  It gets a little bit higher every day.  So, sadly, I have not gotten to fish it yet.   Everyone says it is great fishing, however.
Riverside suites.

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