Sunday, May 29, 2011

At the Vee Bar: The First Ride

This is the first ride I have gotten to take since I have been here.  With the day off, I got to join the guests on two rides today.  The first consisted of going off the back of the property up onto a small mountain that overlooks the ranch.  We had to cross several streams, which was a first to me, and very fun.  After lunch we got to go out a second time.  This time was a much shorter ride but we got to do plenty of loping (basically, a slow gallop, which was also a first to me).  This ranch is very different and is not your typical style of "trail riding.  You get to ride up mountains, ride next to people and chat, cross rivers, and trot and lope.  You do not have to ride in the typical "head to tail, single file" line.  These pictures were taken by one of our guests and she was gracious enough to let me have them.  Thanks Nancy!

The horses being herded in early in the morning.  Every morning two of the wranglers go and round them up out of the pasture and bring them into the corral.
Dan, bringing in the last of the herd.  There are about 30 horses owned by the Vee Bar.  There are about 10 others that are leased for the summer.
Brent saddling up one of the horses, Lucky, for a morning ride.  This is Nancy's horse for the week.
Wrangler, Tommy, and some of the guests on top of a small mountain overlooking the Vee Bar Guest Ranch.  I got to go along on this ride.
The view from atop the mountain, overlooking the Vee Bar Ranch.
We gave the horses a rest once on top of the mountain.  You can see for miles up here.
My ride, CJ, and I waiting for the rest of the guests.
There are several bald eagles that live on the property.  This bald eagle has a nest that it shares with its mate.   In the nest lies a baby bald eagle.  You can see them everyday out here. 
Kit and Kaboodle, the miniature donkeys that Brent is training to lead a miniature wagon.  This is the first time they have every been hooked up to it.
This is Brent giving a demonstration on how to work with the horse in a round pen.  The round pen is for training and working with the horses to get them to do what you want them to.
Sampson and Goliath the real team.  These two horses team up to pull the hay wagon ride for the guests.
Tommy teaching one of our guests how to drive the team.  This is Nancy; the photos in this posted we all courtesy of her.
This is one of our guests who brought her own Arabian horse to the ranch.

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