Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wild West Wagon Ride

So!  Every Tuesday there is a wagon ride, and we get a team all set up and pick up the guests and take them around the ranch for a short wagon ride with music.  There are usually 3-4 outriders, which are people on horseback who ride along side the wagon in case anything happens or the wagon team takes off.  It is their job to get it all under control.  Brent always lets me be one of the outriders so that I get a chance to ride at least once a week.  Well, this week, we have some guests who come here every year for two whole weeks.  They are an older couple, but lots of fun.  They do a lot of traveling and buy tons of clothes, as they love to dress up.  So, all of us outriders agreed to dress up for them on the wagon ride today.  Boy, are you in for a treat!

The gang all dressed up, Brent, Larson, Dan and I.
Larson and I fought over who wasn't going to have to wear the indian dress, so we both ended up in $4,000 furry chaps made of sheep wool.  Tucker got to be the indian chief!
Tucker on Poncho.  Those decorations were made completely of beads and were very heavy, poor horse.
Poncho, Tuckers favorite horse.
After the ride, we all posed for several pictures for the guests.
Brent dressed as a pilgrim and Dan as an old western cowboy.
Clovee and Leroy, the guests who had us all dress up.  Clovee had to wear the indian dress since Larson and I refused.
Larson and I in our chaps that must have weighed 20 pounds each.  We had to use stools to get on our horses.
Larson, Dan and I on the first Wild West Wagon Ride.  I think we are going to end up doing this for every wagon ride.  The guests really enjoyed it.
Larson and I with our horses.  I rode Coal Creek and Larson rode one of her favorites, Sweeney.


  1. LOVE the chaps!!! Now I know what to get you for Christmas! Do they sell those things at WalMart?
