Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving with the Meyersons

For Thanksgiving this year, Joey, Lisa's boyfriend invited all of us up to spend the holiday with his family.  Dad and I stayed in Seattle for a couple days, then we had Thanksgiving dinner with the Meyerson's.  On Friday we drove out west to their beach house in Ocean Shores, Washington.  We geared up in warm clothing and went clam digging.  Normally, the weather is very cold, rainy, and windy.  The weather turned out to be quite decent as it was sunny all day.  As it turns out clam digging is a very technical process.  Afterwards we had to clean nearly 80 clams, prepared them 5 different ways, and I actually liked them  (fried that is).

Cabbage Flowers in the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle.

On our final day in Seattle, the sun decided to come out.  This is the view out of our hotel room window,

The beach at Ocean Shores.  I have never seen such violent waves!

Lisa and I at the Meyerson's beach house in Ocean Shores, Washington.

Dad and Lisa, what a beautiful day it turned out to be.

Bacon wrapped, sauteed oysters, yuck!

A razor clam out of its shell.

Our razor clam catch.  The biggest ones were close to 6 inches long.

A razor clam up close.

Dad and Gale, Joey's mom, cleaning the razor clams.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Women's National Game, November 19th, 2011

The United States Women's National Soccer team played the Swedish National team in Glendale, Arizona today.  I worked for months trying to organize a trip through the school so that I could take several of my soccer players down to watch.  Once the trip got approved, 15 girls jumped at the chance and I got to take them to this once in a lifetime opportunity.  What made this opportunity even more exciting was two-fold.  The United States lost to them 2-1 during the 2011 Women's World cup this summer, and we have an exchange student from Sweden!!!

My girls before the game.  

The field: what a beautiful sight!

Kirby, Ellie, Mady, Lindsey and Jordyn.

Meaghan, Andrea, Martina, Margaret, Shannon, and Sonja.

The National Teams.

Sanna singing the Swedish National anthem.

Margaret, Shannon, Sonja, Effie, Haley and Taylor.

All 15 girls and I after the game.

Alex Morgan, the new superstar and only 21 years old!  How jealous am I!!!

Jordyn, Lindsey, Ellie, and Mady trying to get autographs after the game.   Only Lindsey was able to get Alex Morgan's autograph.

Heather O'Reilly.

Shannon, Mady, Lindsey and Jordyn.

Sweden 1, USA 1.

Shannon, Mady and Lindsey.

Jordyn, Taylor, Ellie, Shannon, Mady, and Lindsey.